Monday, May 30, 2011

Bears, barfing babies and biking....

I am a little more relaxed now that we have arrived at our final destination of our trip!
We left Cranbrook Friday night after work and drove to Oliver, it was an eventful drive, as we spotted a Mama grizzly and her 2 cubs hanging out just off the highway!! The mom looked like I do right now.....exhausted, while her 2 cubs rolled and jumped and climbed all over her!! After this amazing sight....Jackson started barfing, and kept on barfing until Osoyoos.
A quick visit with Granny and Grandpa before crashing in bed!
We left Oliver right after breakfast for Richmond. My cousin Paul lives there and we were staying with them for a couple of nights. They introduced us to their local pub....where I actually sang Karaoke, and some crazy dude was singing the craziest heavy metal, slasher songs!! Ahhh..The BIG city!!

We spent the entire day at the aquarium, I LOVE the aquarium, and the kids love it as well!
My cousin had a great dinner waiting for us when we got back, and it was a great visit with his I have such a small extended family, it is nice to re-connect with them!

Notice the lack of training?! It has not been an easy trip for following my training schedule, and now that I have a strict schedule to follow, I rarely miss a workout, and feel a little stressed when I do!
I am back on track now, I got on my road bike after we arrived at the Ferry terminal and biked into Victoria, did 5 hill repeats up Mount Doug (that climb is harder than I remember!!) and then biked downtown...getting totally turned around and lost before arriving at our gorgeous hotel....gotta love going to conferences with Shawn!!

The hotel is on the Inner Harbor....the kind of hotel that I feel as though I totally don't belong in, especially when I arrive at reception decked out in my biking get-up, not even knowing what room we are in!! There was a very nice concierge that took my bike....somewhere....still need to find it, and I think I should have tipped him?? Never sure of these things...again as I am not used to this environment!
Of course we hit the pool right away, and after as we were getting off the elevator on the 6th floor.....Avery was a little distracted and didn't get off the elevator....I turned around as the door closed, listening to Avery calling out!! Lina stayed with Jacks as Shawn headed down in the elevator next to it, and I in the one Avery HAD been in and wasn't in anymore!!! Up and down we went yelling down the halls as we got off at each floor!! We notified the front desk and they sent everyone out looking....AAHHH this was super scary, but just a few minutes with staff here looking, someone on the 4th floor had found her!
I really really think we are trying to, and have a very good chance of winning the worse parents award.
Did I mention she only had a towel wrapped around her waist!?!!
I have now written in permanent marker their names and room number on their foreheads.

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