Thursday, January 28, 2010


Training is going well this year, I haven't missed a swim session since October!
2 days a week with the Masters swim club here, and I am really seeing an improvement! I was sooooo slow though, I had to improve! Hopefully a few more months and I will be even faster and not be so far behind coming out of the water!!
I am starting to increase my spin sessions, rolling at home a couple days a week and then my long (1.5 hr) tri spin class at the gym.
Weights 1-2 times a week....usually only one, should do more, and my running, is being neglected, running 1-2 a week, usually only 30 mins.
I have my training schedule planned out, but usually don't make near the hours I have scheduled! I do all my workouts in the early am, sometimes thinking I will do another before bed...but man! I am SO tired by the evening, can hardly stay awake, never mind workout!
Shawn was away last night, so I missed my weights and run workout at the gym this morning, may try to get a workout in this afternoon...or maybe I should be spinning right now before the kids wake up! I am really loving using my rollers to train, such a great cycling workout!
Maybe if/when the store sells..... I can do more!